Check out a special custom version of MotionLab by being used in space. MotionLabHD is a special DVD that you watch while you are on your treadmill, exercise bicycle, or rowing machine. But this is an oversimplification. MotionLabHD represents a profound scientific breakthrough in mental, physical and technical conditioning, using rich inspirational media and sophisticated autogenic training techniques. Coaches know that students learn skills best from being mentored by experts; by following athletes and imprinting perfect movement over time. MotionLabHD is a rapid means to improve technique in a given sport. Choose from a wide selection of workouts, spectacular locations and sport modes: Run the West Coast trail in the Pacific Rim National park, through old growth forest; Trek along the sea cliffs of Gross Morne park in Newfoundland; Try snow-shoeing and Nordic skiing in the Laurentains; Attend a group trail run in Gatineau hills or a solo run in the leaves during fall colours; Experience a marathon with 10000 runners; Mountain-bike the national-championship race-course with competitors; Kayak lakes and rivers; Pre-visualize in an Olympic cross country ski race; Ride through the countryside on your bicycle; Hike to the top of a volcano; Traverse a Rocky Mountain glacial pass; Stroll the boardwalks over paradise meadows, or Traverse an endless beach at sunset. Tested by the super-human for the simply-human. Filmed in high-definition in first and third person ...
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